Hike-In Fishing
We are permitted for all of the upper Kenai tributaries as well as neighboring creeks and lakes. Our guides will take you to where the fishing is catching and the crowds are left behind. These trips are unique and are some of our return clientele’s favorites. Perfect for solo travelers and couples. If you are a fly fisherman, there is no better place than these destinations. If you are a first timer get ready to acquire a new hobby.
All fishing gear provided: fly rods, line, and leaders are all of top quality along with their lightweight tackle counterparts. We also provide a selection of breathable waders. All trips will meet at a selected location, or at the main base camp on the Hope Hwy.
Guided Hike-In Fishing
• Full Day: 7 hours, 1-2 anglers $875
• Half Day: 4 hours, 1-2 anglers $600
Southern Kenai Peninsula Steelhead
(Anchor River and Deep Creek)
• Full Day: 7 hours, 1-2 anglers $1,000